
We are actively involved in providing geotechnical and geo-environmental investigation works in the Public and Private Sectors. We specialise in the refurbishment or redevelopment of specialist medical units, care homes and health centres, where it is critical to minimise disturbance to the public and often vulnerable occupants.

We will, for every project, and in advance of any works, appoint a dedicated project manager as the single point of contact, so that we can ensure the closest level of co-operation and liaison with all parties involved.

By using our own trained technical staff to operate our own range of low disturbance and low impact equipment, we are also able to design and schedule our works to fit the requirements of the client, whilst maintaining the highest possible standards of health, safety and environmental performance.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about our services or would like to discuss how we could help you, please get in touch using our contact form below. Please provide as much information as possible about the nature of your enquiry, particularly the purpose of the investigation, the site address and postcode.

Any existing or proposed site plans are useful and can be attached beneath the message box. Please provide a contact address, email and telephone number. We will get in touch as soon as possible.

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